Anthropology Test Week-1

Week 1
Instructions:- There are Eight questions divided in Two sections.
All questions are compulsory.
Adhere to world limit wherever specified.
The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it.

Paper - I

Q:-1 Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)

  • Major sub divisions of Anthropology 
  • Archaeological Anthropology 
  • Primates 
  • Organic evolution’ s theories 
  • Gause’s rule 

Q:-2 Discuss the role of anthropology in the understanding of earth’s evolution. What specific understanding is available to evolution of culture? (20)

Q:-3 What is synthetic theory of evolution? Define evolutionary biology. Discuss various biological and cultural factors of human evolution. (20)

Q:-4 Discuss the various primates adaptations. Compare the skeletal features of apes and humans. (15)

Paper II

Q:-1 Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)

  • Iron Age in Gangetic plane 
  • Mesolithic culture in India 
  • Concept of ethnoarchaeology 
  • Sivapithecus 
  • Post Harappan cultures 

Q:-2 Compare the Harappan religion and living with later Hinduism. Comment on its significance. (15)

Q:-3 Describe the socio-cultural characteristics of the Neolithic period with suitable examples. (15)

Q:-4 What is contribution of H.H. Risley to the Aryan debate. How modern tribal culture of India is different from earlier tribal culture. (15)

We are sorry for being late but we can't compromise with the quality of questions as we want to adhere with the requirements of UPSC.

Next test will be posted on Time.


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