Questions for 07 July Zoology

· All questions are compulsory.
· Adhere to world limits wherever specified.
· Draw neat and well labelled diagrams. No beautification required.
· Don’t use colour pens only pencil colour if you are an extraordinary student.
· Try to finish all questions within 2 hours in written.
· Answers will be reviewed every day at 9 pm.

Q:-1 Compare the process of mitosis and meiosis. What are the Cyclins. (20)
Q:-2 What is mitotic apparatus? Describe its cycle.(15)
Q:-3 Explain the general feature and life cycle of Plasmodium. Compare the various species specific febrile paroxysm. (20)
Q:-4 What is Rb protein? How it regulates cell cycle? (10)
Q:-5 Give the morphological features of Leishmania. Discuss its life cycle and briefly explain its pathogenesis. (20)


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