Canal system in Porifera (sponges) Body of all sponges is the perforated by large number of apertures through which water enters Inside body and flows through a system of criss-crossing canals collectively forming the canal system which is a characteristic feature of poriferans. Following types of canal systems are found in sponges: Ascon type, with flagellated spongocoel Sycon type, with flagellated radial canals Leucon type, with flagellated chambers Rhagon type, with conical shape and broad base ASCON TYPE This is the simplest type of canal system and is found in Leucosolenia and other homocoela. Ostia are present on the surface of body and lead directly into the spongocoel, which is lined by flagellated choanocyte cells. Spongocoel opens to the outside through a narrow circular opening, the osculum located at the distal free end of the sponge body. Water enters through ostia into spongocoel and goes out of body through the osculum . SYCO...
Hello friends We are Going to start Online test series for anthropology optional For mains 2018. Test series is on weekly basis, every Sunday question paper will be posted on Blog. Each test contain questions of 150 marks. Equal weightage for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Pattern of paper is strictly on UPSC basis. Schedule Detailed Schedule for the commencement of tests will be posted on 08 July 2018. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed by you contact Me for queries, suggestions and feedback. Features 2 Times revision of Anthropology Syllabus. That will be finished 3 weeks earlier to Mains 2018. Peer review and Feedbacks. One full mock paper 2 week before mains 2018. Entire initiative is free of Cost.
Q:-1 Discuss the characteristic features of phylum Nemathelminthes. Classify the phylum upto Sub classes. (20) Q:-2 Enlist all essential requirements for Translation. How GTP plays regulatory role in process of translation. (10) Q:-3 Compare the process of translation in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Briefly describe wobble hypothesis. (15) Q:-4 Discuss the life cycle of Wuchereria. Comments on its parasitic adaptations. (20) Q:-5 Discuss the genera features life cycle of Ascaris. Comment on its pathogenic capability and prophylaxis. (20)
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