Anthropology test week 6

Instructions:- There are SEVEN questions divided in Two sections.
All questions are compulsory.
Adhere to world limit wherever specified.
The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it.
                             Paper I
Q:-1 Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)
a) Biological clock
b) Eugenics
c) Demographic transition
d) mtDNA and it's use in anthropology
e) Role of hormones in Maturity

Q:-2(a) What is genetic markers and why they are useful. (10)
(b) Discuss how lamarck tries to put forth concept of evolution? (10)
(c) What do you understand by genetic load in a population? If human growth is under genetic control, why environmental factors influencing it? (20)

3(a) Discuss the relevance of ageing and senesces? What is the molecular basis of cell death? (20)
(b) Give the hormonal control of fertility in male and female. (15)
(c) Compare between fertility and fecundity. (10)

4(a) What is nutritional anthropology? How it can change the health problems in India? (15)
(b) What is gene manipulation? How it can play a major role in diagnostics explain with suitable examples. (20)
(c) Give the various factors of Neo-natal deaths. Discuss various ways so we can eliminate it. (15)

                           Paper II
Q:-1Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)
a) Tribal administration during colonial period.
b) various tribal ethnical movements
c) Influence of Christianity on Tribal
d) PTGs
e) Reservation policy and tribes

Q:-2 (a) Discuss the impact of other religions on tribal societies of India. (20)
(b) Examine the impact of SSA in elevation of educational status of tribal community.(15)
(c) Discuss the rise of ethno-nationalism in tribes of India.(15)

Q:-3(a) Critically examine the access of constitutional rights to the tribal societies of India. (20)
(b) How livelihood of tribal communities get affected with enforcement of forest rights act-2006. (15)
(c) several tribal communities are still in alienation from mainstream of development. Critically examine. (15)


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