Anthropology Test Week 2

Week 2
Instructions:- There are Eight questions divided in Two sections.
All questions are compulsory.
Adhere to world limit wherever specified.
The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it.
Paper - I
Q:-1 Write notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 = 50)

1) Secondary structure of DNA
2) Rhodesian man
3) Lower palaeolithic Culture
4) Chromosome walking
5) Javanicus

Q:-2 Discuss the locomotive behaviour of prehistoric human primates and state how does it help in understanding the structural and functional correlations of their forelimb structure. 20

Q:-3 Comment on mendelian principles and their applications in genetic analysis. (15)

Q:-4 Mutation is the hidden force behind evolution, justify the statement with suitable examples and discuss about sources of mutation. (20)

                               Paper - II
Q:-1 Write notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 = 50)
1) Linguist elements in Indian population
2) Varnashram
3) Demographic variability of Indian caste system
4) Tribe case continuum
5) Vedic society of India

Q:-2 Discuss the impacts of western education and culture on Colonial Indian society and how it get assimilated into modern Indian village culture. (20)

Q:-3 What is Sanskritization? How globalisation and modern education endorsing it. (15)

Q:-4 State the contribution of village study in understanding the social and religious fabrics of Indian society. (20)


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