Anthropology test Week 3


Instructions:- There are Seven questions divided in Two sections.
All questions are compulsory.
Adhere to world limit wherever specified.
The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it.
                             Paper I

Q:-1 Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)
a) Phratry
b) Society and culture
c) Lineage and clan
d) Insect taboo
e) Cultural relativism

Q:-2 Discuss the cardinal points of descents and culture. Explain segmentary lineage and territoriality. (20)

Q:-3 Explain various types of marriages in Vedic culture. How various cultural and awakening movements influenced the institutional form of marriages. (20)

Q:-4 Discuss various laws of succession in India. 
What is the impact of industrialization on Families in India. (15)

                           Paper II
Q:-1Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X4 =40)
a)Contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
b) Islam in India
c) Contribution of L.P vidyarthi
d) Sacred Geography 

Q:-2 How Buddhism impacted the early Indian society? Why Jainism not influenced modern society at large scale in India? (20)

Q:-3 Give the contribution of early reformers in establishment of modern education system of India. (15)


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