Questions for 31 July Zoology

Q:-1 Write short notes on the following in 200 Words each 10X4-40
a) Scales in fishes
b) Jaw suspensorium in vertebrates
c) Endoskelton in fishes and amphibians
d) Respiratory organs in amphibians and reptilians comparative account

Q:-2 Discuss the evolution of heart with suitable diagrams and give detailed account of it in mammals. (20)

Q:-3 What is hardy weinberg law? In a large experimental Drosophila population, the fitness of a recessive phenotype is calculated to be 0.90, and the mutation rate to the recessive allele is 5 × 10−5. If the population is allowed to come to equilibrium, what allelic frequencies can be predicted? (5+10)

Q:-4 Discuss the origin of humans with suitable fossil descriptions. (20)


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Questions for 13 July Zoology