Anthropology test week 4

Instructions:- There are Eight questions divided in Two sections.
All questions are compulsory.
Adhere to world limit wherever specified.
The number of marks carried by a question is indicated against it.
                             Paper I
Q:-1 Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)
a) Monotheism and Religion
b) Neo-evolutionism
c) Language
d) Structural functionalism
e) Totemism

Q:-2 Give the various anthropological theories. Whic theory is most relevant in term of defining society and why? (20)
Q:-3 Discuss the concept of people's participation in planned development. (10)

Q:-4 (a) In what ways economics and economic anthropology differs. (10)
(b) Bring out the contribution of Tyler and Conklin in development of cognitive theory. (15)
(c) Give the various tools of data collection and interpretation. Why is data analysis important in anthropology? (20)

                            Paper II
Q:-1Write Notes on the following in about 150 words each: (10X5 =50)
a) Panchayati Raj
b) Ethnic movements in India
c) Indigenous knowledge
d) Religious minorities and their safeguards
e) Technology and Indian villages

Q:-2 Compare between Sankritization, Westernization and modernization. How all there changing Indian village economy commutatively?

Q:-3  How modern day means of communications changing village culture of India? How it is contributing to growth in new opportunities? (15)

Q:-4 Critically examine the recent developments in communal violence and role of media in it. Discuss reasons for these developments. (20


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